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Jack 25

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Wednesday's Schedule

The sessions in Grand 4 will be recorded.

Any sessions marked with this symbol are in the Contractors' Track.


8:00am-3:45pm - Registration Open - 2nd Floor Escalator Nook

8:00am-9:00am - Coffee Setup - Ballroom Foyer 1-4

9:00am-10:00am - Evaluation of Combustion-by-Products in Wildfire Impacted Indoor Environments - Bai - Grand 4

10:00am-10:45am - If Safety Isn't for Everyone, is it Really Safety? The Power of DEI in the Workplace - Enderle - Grand 4

10:00am-11:00am - Lead Poisoning in Wisconsin - A Case Study: Why Every State Should Be Concerned - Everly - St. Johns

11:00am-12:00pm - Statistical Analysis of Historic Lab Data for the Presence of Actinolite, Anthophyllite, and Tremolite - Ellis - Grand 4

12:00pm-1:00pm - Lunch - Ballroom Foyer 1-4

1:00pm-1:45pm - Lead with Purpose: Boldness, Vulnerability, and Authenticity in Leadership - Wilson - Grand 4

2:00pm-2:45pm - Fast and Accurate or Fast and Cheap, Rapid Biochemical methods for Microbial Detection in Buildings - Rogers - Grand 4

2:00pm-2:45pm - Asbestos and S&A Roundtable - St. Johns

3:00pm-3:45pm - Mental Health and Psychological Safety - Delucia & McIntyre  - Grand 4

4:00pm-6:00pm - Board Meeting - Daytona

Any sessions marked with this symbol are in the Contractors' Track.

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