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Jack 25

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Tuesday's Schedule

The sessions in Grand 4 will be recorded.

Any sessions marked with this symbol ☣️ are of interest to ABRA attendees.

Any sessions marked with this symbol are in the Contractors' Track.

8:30am-4:30pm - Registration Open - 2nd Floor Escalator Nook

8:00am-9:00am - Coffee Setup/Exhibit Hall Open - Grand 1, 2 & 3

9:00am-10:00am - A Comparison of the Wet Wipe and Tape Lift Methods for Sampling Surface Char in Properties Impacted by Wildfire Smoke - Seif - Grand 4

9:00am-12:00pm - Myths, Mysteries, and Mistakes with Lead and Healthy Homes - Sharp  - St. Johns

10:00am-10:30am - Break/Exhibit Hall Open - Grand 1, 2 & 3

10:30am-11:15am - Understanding the GSA Order Results, Data Trends and Mitigation Strategies - DeMalo - Grand 4

11:15am-12:00pm - Write a Mold Assessment Report, Not a Data Report - Spurgeon - Grand 4

12:15pm-1:15pm - Lunch - Table Topics - Ballroom Foyer 3 & 4

12:15pm-1:15pm - Exhibit Hall Open - Grand 1, 2 & 3

1:15pm-2:00pm - Asbestos Ban - Reinstein - Grand 4

1:15pm-2:00pm - Review of New IICRC Safety and Health Field Guide for Restorers - Rice  - St. Johns

1:15pm-2:00pm - 20 Years of Bio Recovery ☣️ - Clearwater

2:00pm-3:00pm - Exhibit Hall Break - Grand 1, 2 & 3

3:00pm - Exhibitor Tear Down - Grand 1, 2 & 3

3:00pm-4:00pm - Women's Committee Panel Presentation  - Grand 4

3:00pm-4:00pm - Understanding Florida's Homeowners Insurance Crisis - Ogilvie ☣️ - Clearwater

4:15pm-4:45pm - "How Clean is Clean?" Revisiting the "No Visible Dust" Criterion! - Rutstein & Rutstein - Grand 4

4:15pm-5:00pm - 2025 - Fire & Wildfire Get Hot - Stanton - St. Johns

4:15pm-5:00pm - IAQ Roundtable - Daytona

6:30pm-9:00pm - EIA 2025 Annual Social Event & Awards Dinner - Grand 4

Any sessions marked with this symbol ☣️ are of interest to ABRA attendees.

Any sessions marked with this symbol are in the Contractors' Track.

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